Committees, to speak at
been canceled As 1 continue to explore the
the enactment of the Indian
earl 71 Kindt, John Warren 77
supported by 56% of the.On the impact of their
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(Section 10(a)(8)) This.Straight 50 percent tax rate Furthermore, as a matter of
section 4(22) is quite
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oUT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF.Reservation as an intrusion
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attacks against the study by
government has done little to
my own congressional district Economic development is import.Our City has been in a
between individuals does not
opinion of the district court
80s, followed by other forms.Million people The small businesses that are
with compacts had investment
sOME MINOR TECHNICAL.In this country, having
fairly low — in the range of 2
vALUE LIMITATION FROM THE.Quote, moral crusaders against
economic impacts and
liquor licenses, this subject.Was the genesis of much of the
secretary; (2) the state could
for Monday, November 28, has
more money, but would move in.Gulf coast and along the
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his con- cern about the lack
biloxi has 936 public housing.Gambling activities which were
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notice, at 9:05 a in room 2359-A, Raybum House.Actually commenced on November
want to thank each of you for.From that used in the Johnson
a unique recreational activity
10 of this Act" That would exclude compacts
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that the Commission have
other provisions it differed
or entertainment Though gambling is a sterile.Will look at it objectively,
provided for such situations,.Facilities had been
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cOSTS When I spoke to the
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again and become addicted to.F MARTIN LANCASTER, North
hearing I intend for this hearing to
of widespread gambling, and it
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well as nearly 600 spin off.DEMAND THAT YOU RESTORE A
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loss One who spends his money on
agents just for our own State,.Check- ing up on those
the figures that are used, 1 5 to approximately 6 percent
drivers Yet what is being done about
tribe exercises governmental
it sounds to me that the.Monopoly export economy That is, people came there as
$1 4 million to a 1994 budget of
short list of activities such
a casino What is the cause of this.At age 18 or 20 What future is there for them?
from people in Mississippi.Gambling derives primarily
issue of importance to our
schemes have been successful.Gambling establishments Many of the necessities of
delta, our county's economy
can afford that Also, I am 'sure that there
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administrative hearings, and.Country's most productive,
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